Our services

  • Minimally invasive surgery

    Minimally invasive surgery is making surgical correction of boney and soft tissue disorders through as small of an incision as possible to leave the soft tissue and vascular envelope in tact in order to improve recovery time and surgical outcomes, and decrease pain, swelling, and scarring. This technique is used to treat plantar fasciitis, bunions, hammer toes, etc.

  • Injections

    Injections are used to treat joint pain, arthritis, and some soft tissue disorders such as plantar fasciitis and neuromas. We use an ultrasound to make sure we are placing the injection at the right point of pain.

  • Orthotics

    Orthotics can help correct and align the foot. We offer both over the counter and custom orthotics, and use a 3D scanner to create a custom mold of your foot. We’re able to use a wide variety of materials to find the right balance of accommodation and function.

  • Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

    Platelets are naturally produced by the human body and possess healing properties that help the body repair itself. PRP contains a high concentration of platelets and other growth factors that promote regeneration and can accelerate the repair of damaged tissues. This is derived from the patient’s own blood and is 100% natural. PRP acts as an agent that works to heal, rather than masking the symptoms of pain and skin imperfections.

    PRP treatments include:

    • Damaged tissue and joints

    • Osteoarthritis

    • Pain conditions

    • Acute injuries

    • Chronic tendon problems

    • Skin restoration

    Since PRP is non-invasive, you don’t need to worry about a long recovery time. Most patients can return to work with following day. PRP is a great alternative to addictive pain medications and major surgeries.